International Coffee Day

On October 1st of each year, International Coffee Day is commemorated, an occasion to celebrate one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages worldwide. Furthermore, this day is used to raise awareness about the challenging situation of coffee producers and promote sustainable practices in the coffee industry. The celebration is a perfect moment for coffee lovers, and occasionally, the International Coffee Organization organizes campaigns to raise awareness about the coffee industry and its challenges.

International Coffee Day emerged as a result of the initiative by the International Coffee Organization during the Milan International Exposition in 2015. At that event, coffee-exporting and coffee-importing countries gathered to identify the challenges faced by the global coffee industry. It was then officially established that October 1st would be dedicated to promoting fair trade of coffee and raising awareness about the difficult situation of coffee producers in some countries.

The history of coffee has various legends about its origin, but one of the most well-known comes from Ethiopia in the IX century, where a goat herder noticed that the animals became more active after consuming the red coffee cherries due to the caffeine. Although it is believed that coffee was cultivated in Yemen before the XV century, there is no certainty about it. By the early XVI century, coffee was already being consumed in major cities of Arab countries like Cairo, usually in salons where people gathered to converse.

Due to the stimulating properties of coffee and the belief that it fostered critical thinking, controversies arose in Arab countries during that century, including instances of prohibition in places like Egypt. In 1616, the Dutch brought coffee seeds to their country and cultivated them in greenhouses, marking coffee’s departure from Africa. By the late XVII century, coffee reached Asia, and Dutch colonies became the main coffee producers in Europe, including Indonesia, one of the major coffee producers today.

Over time, coffee spread to the American colonies of European countries, and by the XVII century, coffee consumption became common in Europe thanks to the proliferation of coffeehouses.

International Coffee Day

Interesting facts about coffee:

  • Coffee comes from the coffee plant, a shrub that reaches a height of 3 to 5 meters.
  • Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, only surpassed by water.
  • Brazil is the country that produces the most coffee in the world.
  • Finland is the country where the most coffee is consumed, about 11 kg per person per year.
  • The word “coffee” comes from the Arabic “qahhwat al-bun” and means “wine of the bean.”
  • The most expensive coffee in the world is Kopi Luwak, which is produced in Indonesia.
  • In 2018, the Guinness World Record for the largest cup of coffee was set with 18,000 liters.
  • A cup of black coffee has one calorie.
  • Coffee beans are actually fruit.
  • Coffee is a beverage with antioxidant effects.
  • Coffee speeds up metabolism.
  • Alphonse Allais was the inventor of instant coffee.
  • The first coffeehouse in the world was Kiva Han, inaugurated in 1475 and located in present-day Istanbul.
  • Decaffeinated does not mean it is caffeine-free; it contains less caffeine than regular coffee, but it is not really 100% caffeine free.

Celebrate International Coffee Day at Grupo Sunset World! Throughout the day, we will have a series of activities and events for you to enjoy your favorite coffee. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate International Coffee Day with us! We look forward to seeing you!