Earth day

Earth day

Every year on April 22, Earth Day, a worldwide movement that seeks to spread awareness of how important it is to care for our planet, is celebrated.

Earth Day began in 1970 with a movement in the United States, when millions of people demonstrated in favor of taking better care of the environment. It was thanks to this demonstration that the Environmental Protection Agency was created in the United States.

This movement invites us to participate in activities that demonstrate our love and respect for the Earth, and to maintain and conserve its natural resources, since they are the source of our existence.

During the current worldwide health emergency, we have noticed the impact that we have on the Earth, since by reducing our activity we have been seen changes in the environment, like cleaner beaches and oceans.

It is time for us to reflect deeply and assume our responsibilities as inhabitants of this wonderful planet.

Earth Day proposes various ways we can contribute, like sorting our garbage to facilitate the recycling process, not throwing garbage in the streets, reducing plastic consumption, planting trees, turning off the lights to save electricity and taking advantage of natural light.

These actions, if we all take part, however small they may seem, can result in positive change for our planet.