Sunset Green World is the brand under which Sunset World showcases its environmental preservation, restoration and development actions.
Our approach is to use resourcessparingly, protect valuable ecosystems and adhere to rigoroussustainable practices.Our sustainable practices are the consequence of our desire to preserve ourprecious natural resources and home. Our main objective is to be leaders in sustainable tourismdevelopment in harmony with the environment, local society, culture and economy.
We at Sunset World care about the environment and we recommend that members, guests and ourcoworkerstake concrete actions to take care of valuable resources such as water and energy.
In August 2014 Sunset World launched an Energy Efficiency Program to reduce its carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency by upgrading air conditioning systems, water heaters and LED lighting in our six hotels.
Estas acciones sustentables constan de 3 fases:
Identificación. Los puntos operativos y tecnológicos en los que se ha detectado derroche de energía.
Puesta en práctica. Se sustituyeron tecnologías y se modificaron procesos que provocaban un consumo innecesario de energía y emisiones contaminantes.
Annual measurement of results.
Reducing the consumption of electrical energy and fuels and the release of C02 emissions intotheatmosphere has measurable benefits for the environment, the community where we operateand our members and guests.
Here are the results:
These results make Sunset World a leader in a tourism sector that is turning towards asustainable model to protect the environment.
Sunset World continuously looks for ways to take care of the environment and reduce its carbonfootprint, so it made an agreement with a Mexican company that produces energy with windfarms and thermoelectric plants. Since 2022100% of the energy that the hotels consume comesfrom a clean, renewable source.
Sunset World avoids emitting 6,984 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually. As a reference, 1ton of C02 released into the atmosphere is equivalent to the jet fuel consumed by a plane on around trip flight between Madrid and New York.
Our actions
Acerca de Nosotros
Our commitment ranges from small actions like lighting torches at our resorts to support EarthHour, a yearly global event held to draw attention to theimportance of energy savings, to large-scale sustainable developments that don’t impact our natural surroundings